Yesterday afternoon I became the proud owner of a round-trip ticket to Lisbon, Portugal. I will be there in June for the Lisbon Village Festival, I hope. They have a website which is under construction. Other organizations are talking about it. I, however, can not confirm dates or participants for this collection of events. The Lisbon Village Festival is typically a week long and focuses on music, film and art for "the digital age". So digital cinema, digital music, digital art. While I have a minor fear that I will be walking into a city-wide rave, I think it is going to be a fantastic time. It will also be more practice with interminably long plane trips. I need to train for the India marathon, don't I?
I hope to stay in the Alfama neighborhood. This is the old part of the city center and is apparently where there are many fado houses. That is really why I am going, fado. If I can sit in a cafe and eat seafood and listen to gloriously sad fado music, I might not even make it to the festival events. I bought a purple silk dress with a full skirt and ruffles just for this trip, well actually before I even booked it. What else is a lady to do with a purple dress besides go dancing in Lisbon?