Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Warm Up

As if Portugal and India were not exciting enough, I'd like to warm up my International Travel Extravaganza with a quick trip to Mexico City. Why you ask? Because I was invited.

I am learning about all the things there are to see and reading my Spanish dictionary on the train in the mornings. Hot cha. I will tell you all about it when I return.

In the mean time, can someone tell me why I thought it was a good idea to sell my car BEFORE I move?


  1. YAY!!!!

    Also, you can steal my car if you want, I'll leave the keys in it.

  2. Indeed. That is the only explanation.

  3. Who invited you to Mexico? Can I come with you?

  4. TĂș. The answer to the second question is up to you, but I think you can.
