Monday, May 4, 2009


There are some well put together blogs out there, people. Have you been reading these? It is amazing how many people are capable of putting together their thoughts and experiences verbally, and in print, digitally (sometimes with photos) and putting it out there for the world to read and learn from. I am so impressed.

And I am daunted. I could go so many directions and do so many things now that my rubbermaid tub of composting red worms has been opened up. Well, I mean I could say so many things in so many ways. (None of these things would make up for the fact that I just confessed to a little bit of dirty hippy deep down inside of me somewhere underneath my stack of really heavy design magazines). So, with no further ado, I would like to set forth some parameters for this textual adventure.

The title of this blog is "It's Better When You're Moving" (I think I need to consult my most updated version of the MLA to know how to punctuate the title of a blog, gimme a sec...) M'kay, it looks like the rule of thumb is quotations for short works and parts of long works, and italics or underlining for long works or series of short works. Blogs seem to fit well in the category of series of short works so, since I like dynamism, italics it is!

The title of this blog is It's Better When You're Moving and my intention is to document my world travels for my friends and family. I would also like to add two more things (which may actually lead to multitudes of things, but we can cross said bridge upon arrival). One would be observations of other movers and the second would be food. Because ultimately I like to rejoice in the movements of those around me and food, or nourishment, is the fuel for motion, dontcha.

So look forward to future posts with odd observations and tasty snack descriptions and/or photos. Thank you.

P.S. Further research suggests that the MLA actually prefers quotes as the appropriate punctuation for blog titles. I think they are not only misguided, but also missing out. GRIN.


  1. Lately I have been needing, NEEDING, a Beans and Barley burrito. They should franchise...

  2. oh! where do you get your worms?

  3. I got my worms from my friend Judy B in Portland OR, but you can order them from gardening stores and places that do that sort of thing such as this one:

  4. wait, you actually compost and have worm pals working it out?? maybe i need to learn more about this. i am also a tree hugging dirt worshipper.
