Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Elimination Round

So what can't I do? How can I eliminate some options in order to move forward? My sister says I am stupid not to get the Yale MBA  because most people would kill for that degree and that the world will open up and beg me to work for it for a billion dollars if I just get that degree. But what does that mean?? What does anything mean? What is not dirty... what is not clean?What should we not hear? What shouldn't be seen?

If I am going to be the director of happiness and well-being, isn't that like feeding and sheltering people? What is it? Is it making rules and regulations so that the unfortunate don't get screwed over by the first set of rules and regulations anymore? Is it making the world a little more beautiful or useful for the people around me? Don't they say you are supposed to save the world one person at a time? Do I make a home and welcome all into it? Or do I run a fortune 500 company eliminating waste and bullshit and then donate to better causes? I could do that too.

Do I paint my life away? For certainty that is not possible. Pshaw. Some say I would be bored just making things from clay, I am meant for bigger endeavors. Others say follow your heart, but my heart has been silent for so long now I am not sure if I am making up the little noises I hear. And when I give it credence, I say "this is what my heart is telling me..." I get the smack-down. From some. But guys guys guys! I've never listened to it before. I made it this far and am still devoid of property or progeny so why can't I follow my heart?

I am going, I am not stopping, I am not slowing down or quitting. My path just looks different from yours and it involves a period of time where my work will not be compensated monetarily. It doesn't look like house and kids, although I want very dearly to have home and family. It doesn't operate on 9-5 although I am committed to endless hours of service. My path involves an examination of what is supposed to be right in a country that is succumbing to bad management and a world that keeps on keeping on with different ideas and critical masses.
