Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally I get the Routine

So after a few days of hopelessly running around after a small child, trying to get him to do the things he has to do, I finally got him into bed at a reasonable hour. Not that he has been up THAT much past his bedtime, but seriously, he has been up past MY bedtime. Cause I'm looking at 8:30pm as a pretty viable time to start sleeping. I mean, it gets dark here at 4pm. By 8 it's like way late at night already. I miss adults. Ok, ok fine. I did have lunch with Varla, which included shopping at a very strange boutique in which we were showered upon with style consulting, assistance in and out of platform boots, difficult belts and zippers galore. It was a wild and fun time of celebrity attention. Too bad we don't have celebrity money. I spent way too much on the perfect pair of pants, but I will wear them into the ground. Let's calculate the relative value when they fall apart. They are Peruvian (I don't know what that means) but it sounds good and they make my tuckus look nice. NEXT.

A good friend of mine just launched a design website and I will be giving him a critique of it tomorrow night. I am super excited to be a bit hard on him. I know he's got the talent and the drive to get it done, but he needs it to be shaped up and perfected. I can help him with that. Those who can, do; and those who can't, critique. Dontcha. Besides, we love arguing together. Hot cha.

The rest of this week is a social extravaganza. I've got lunch tomorrow, and a critique at night. The Garfield Park Conservatory on Friday and then dinner afterward. Saturday morning return of the sister and the nephew and then on to RKFD for a drive by mom sighting then up nort' to witness the xmas lounge singers at the restaurant and then more lunch with CN pals and then... oh, I have to work. Busy, busy, busy.

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